Sunday, June 19, 2011

Hand Grabs Water

Great day shooting--the above is a test from something I worked on today. This morning I made coffee and went straight to the studio and started working. Ollie was over at his Dad's, so I got an early start for a change. It really felt good to be back in the studio. I'm afraid I recently came close to becoming one of those people that just makes a lot of convincing excuses about why they aren't doing the things they should be doing. Damn it all. I won't let that happen to me.

Last night I went to a Tom Stoppard play called Arcadia that was surprisingly good. The play alternated between modern times and the early 1800's. The set was spare and sketch-like in it's simplicity--with a long table at the center of the room. Carefully chosen props worked for scenes from both time periods. One unforgettable scene has the characters from both time periods occupying the same space. Two actors read the same book, side by side, in two different time periods, with the same pacing, in a ballet of page turning. This moment was more than just story telling. It was a taste of what I'm after.


  1. I saw Tree of Life yesterday. Visually stunning and a complex story told in a complex way. This image would fit right in.

  2. Hi Joseph,
    Thanks for the compliment! I will look up Tree of Life.

  3. Oh, you gotta see ToL. Lots of your domestic manifestations have the feel of the film, and the imagery of the kids in this is really all in line.

  4. Hmmm. I don't know-- is there such a thing as Creation Porn? This kind of looks like that, if there is such a thing.

  5. have you seen it yet? Maybe I'll go again today.

  6. Not yet. I think I'll be watching Mad Men on Netflix instead...
